St. Paul’s is blessed to have the following groups who meet regularly to learn, pray and play:  Please contact the office for more information.

QUILTERS: This group meets each Friday at 9:30 a.m. at in Room 2 upstairs (Quilting Room.)  All ages and skill levels are welcome! Their projects include making quilts for Lutheran World Relief and the annual Tomah Shinga Quilt Auction. This year they sent 24 quilts to Lutheran World Relief.

FOUNDATIONS – On Break until the new year: This weekly group shares good conversations about the building blocks of Christianity BEFORE the Reformation.  Wednesday nights with dinner at 6 PM followed by the class at 7:30 PM

WOMEN’S MISSION GROUP: Women’s Mission Group meets bi-monthly, usually the 2nd Friday, at noon.   The group shares a fingerfood lunch and discusses a Bible Study from the Gather magazine.